Rules and Regulations
Guest Registration: All guests must register upon arrival.
Pets: Pets are welcome. Dogs must be leashed at all times while on park property. If pets are tied outside on the owner´s site, they must be attended. Do not tie pets to any of the park trees or fixtures. Cleanup is required and enforced and is the responsibility of the pet owner. Aggressive or disruptive pets will be banned from the park. Pets are not allowed inside of the park buildings.
RV´s: Only one RV and two vehicles per site unless Okayed by office.RV´s taking more than one space will be charged for additional space used.
Speed Limit: 5 mph.
Laundry: effective use of laundry room is made possible by your cooperation. Please clean washers & dryers after each use. NO outside clothes lines please.
Trash: Deposit trash in tied bags. No loitering in Park.
Sub-Rental: Recreational vehicles at Crosstimber RV Park are to be used solely by owner. No rent of units is permitted.
Campsite: No fireworks permitted, campsite must be cleaned before leaving, and cutting down any live or dead trees or shrubs is not permitted.
- Drugs, weapons, fighting, lewd conduct, reckless driving, speeding is not permitted.
- Selling, advertising, or distribution of any product including alcohol is prohibited.
- Non-contained fires for cooking or heating are not permitted.
- Any type of fencing, barriers, and pallets are not permitted.
- RV Park quiet hours are from 10:00pm to 7:00am.
- RV Sites must be kept clean for the enjoyment of all occupants.
Parents are responsible for their children at all times. Crosstimber RV Park assumes no responsibility for injury, accidents or losses from any cause. Crosstimber LLC is not responsible for loss of personal property or for accidents of any nature. Crosstimber LLC reserves the right to limit the stay and number of persons per site.
Cancellation Policy: 3 days notice is required for all cancellations, or changes to reservations. Cancellations and changes within 3 days of reservation will forfeit their deposit. Refunds will not be given for early checkout unless caused by a declared emergency or security circumstances, no notice deployment and/or natural disaster.
I undersigned, understand and agree to all terms of this agreement. Failure to uphold any provision of this agreement may result in eviction of premises. I also agree to comply with all RV Park rules and regulations.
If you have any questions please feel free to contact us at (210) 568-3775 or fill the Contact Us form Here.